Protecting our Pond
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Learn more about NH lakes and keeping them clean and healthy.
Water Quality Testing
Volunteers from the PPPA take samples of the pond water from a variety of points at least 3 times during the summer. The samples are taken to the Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA) lab at Colby-Sawyer College to be analyzed. Monitoring is done in collaboration with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP).
Weed Watchers
Weed Watcher volunteers are trained to monitor for invasive infestations. The committee members patrol the shore lines to look for any plants or species that are not native to the pond.
For Perkins Pond, the primary invasive weed threat is milfoil. If milfoil or another invasive species is found in the pond, the NHDES is immediately notified so action can be taken to stop the spread.