Become a Member
How to Join
Membership dues may be paid by credit card thru PayPal, or by check.
Annual membership dues are $50.00 per household due January of each calendar year. Membership runs from January to December each year.
If paying by check, make checks payable to Perkins Pond Protective Association and mail to:
P.O. Box 123,
Sunapee, NH 03782
If you are unsure if you have paid dues, you can reach out to the PPPA Treasurer.
Join Now
If paying thru PayPal, please consider making a $52 payment to cover the PayPal fee charged to the PPPA. This will ensure that $50 (after the fee) will go to support the PPPA.
Why Become a Member?
As a member of the Perkins Pond Protective Association, you will:
Support the preservation and protection of Perkins Pond.
Enable the association to actively monitor the pond and its watershed to ensure its health today and for future generations.
Collaborate with neighbors, friends, local and federal organizations to further the mission of the PPPA.
Receive updates and stay informed regarding the pond and watershed status, the Association’s work, learning opportunities and community events.
Protect your property’s value (waterfront and watershed values have a direct correlation with the health and water quality of Perkins Pond).
Have a voice and vote on ongoing and future efforts.
Leverage our ability to obtain future grants from NHDES, EPA and private sources
Accomplishments and Activities
Advocated for and completed the Sewer Installation project for all properties on the lake. Implemented in 2014.
Helped to pass Town of Sunapee Warrant Article #17 in 2024 securing a $100,000 State grant to conduct a Watershed Management Study and Plan (to be completed by 2026).
Continuous water quality monitoring through our Weed Watchers program and water testing.
Facilitated increased participation in the NH LakesSmart initiative.
Advocacy work with the State of NH Environmental Services.
Ongoing education of members and friends through special guests and speakers at PPPA’s semi-annual meetings (May and September)